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20 Animated Elementor Backgrounds That Will Blow Your Mind

Animations are a pretty cool thing, aren’t they? Everyone loves animations because they add that extra zing to our site. Animated backgrounds make your website stand out from others. We made it easy for users to add awesome backgrounds to their website. You can use one of our predefined background widgets or create your own background widget. In this article we will go over the basic steps of adding an animated background to one of your sections inside of Elementor.

Guess what we have found out? Our users loooooove background widgets and these widgets have been found to be one of our most unique and useful tools. Up to now our widget library included only 8 background widgets and today we have released another 12 unique animated backgrounds which you can use to make your web designs more interactive and attractive.

Background Examples

This is a list of the backgrounds which you can use with Unlimited Elements for Elementor.

Moving Stripes

Gradient Animation

Star Particles

Animated Ripples

Snow Flakes

Sliding Diagonals

Snow Balls


Shooting Lights

Retro Blocks

Bubble Float

Waves Animation

Animated Squares

Alternating Colors

Blob Animation

Huge Shapes


Diamond Pattern

Getting Started With Backgrounds

Before we get started you will need to make sure Unlimited Elements Plugin is Installed and activated on your website. Unlimited Elements is a free plugin for WordPress that adds more widgets and functionality to your Elementor website builder.

Step 1: Navigate to Unlimited Elements >> Background Widgets in the WordPress side menu.

Step 2: Hover over your select background and click install.

Step 3: Inside of an Elementor Page click on a section and in the style tab go to >> Unlimited Backgrounds

Step 4: Under background Type select a background and customize its settings below.

Create Your Own Background Widget

As you may know one of our main goals at Unlimited Elements is to give you ultimate flexability with your designs. One of the features we offer is to create your own background widget with just basic coding knowledge.

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