dynamic content for elementor using dynamic date conditions

Dynamic Content for Elementor: Using Dynamic Date Conditions

The Elementoror360 website is two years old and it is time to update. The first step was to switch to the Blocksy Pro theme. The next steps involve replacing the functionality of several plugins with Dynamic Content for Elementor. I didn’t know about Dynamic Content for Elementor when I first built the site and only learned of it 6 months later, after I had everything working. So, in this tutorial I’m going to use Dynamic and replace three plugins: Unlimited Elements for Elementor, NinjaTables and NinjaTables Pro. These are practical examples, not general overviews.

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Showing the Sale Banner on the Single Resource Page

How I was using Unlimited Elements

Unlimited Elements for Elementor has a very cool feature: its widget creator. With the widget creator you can make your own Elementor widgets using JavaScript, CSS, and the Twig layout engine. I created a tutorial showing how to use it to create a widget that displayed conditionally based on a date range.

The Elementor 360 website has a resources section of the site where I list themes and plugins that work well with Elementor.

theme and plugin listing

Each of the resources has its own page with a short description. When a resource is on sale I use the widget created with Unlimited Elements to show a sale banner.

unlimited elements sales banner

I use some custom fields for this. There is a link to the theme or plugin’s website, a message to show about the sale, and a start and end date. With these four fields I can automate showing and expiring the display of sales information.

custom fields used

Using Dynamic Visibility Conditions to Show the Sale Banner

I opened the Elementor template for the single resource page and you can see the Sales Banner widget that I had created with Unlimited Elements.

sales banner widget on page

I deleted that widget and added a button instead. I added the icon, set the button text to show the promotional message and the button link to go to the resource link.

added button widget

I then styled the button to look like the old banner.

styled button widget

I then went to the Visibility tab for the button and enabled the visibility display option.

enabled visibility option for button

Then in the list of condition options, on the Date & Time panel, I enabled the Use Dynamic Dates option. For the Date From field I selected the ACF start date and for the Date To field I selected the ACF end date. I saved the template.

dynamic date visibility condition set

This is what the final result looked like for a resource that has an active sale going.

final change showing message

I also checked a resource that didn’t have an active sale to make sure the conditions were working properly, and a on sale button did not show, so everything is working correctly.

test that button was not showing

The sales banner widget was the only place where I was using Unlimited Elements, so I can now remove that plugin since it was no longer being used.

Creating a Current Sales Page

How I was using NinjaTables

NinjaTables is made by the ManageNinja team. I really like their plugins and use them on all of my sites. There isn’t really anything wrong with NinjaTables except that I don’t need it any more.

When people are looking for sales they don’t want to click on each resource to find them. So, I created a page that showed the themes and plugins that currently have a sale going.

current sales page

That list was a table created using NinjaTables. The challenge was to only show the items that were on sale by checking the start and end date range ACF fields for each item. When I first created the site, there were not many tools that had dynamic display options and it was a challenge to find a solution that worked with ACF custom fields. That type of option is more common now. What I did, was I used NinjaTables to get the full list of items and had the start and end date as hidden fields. I then used JavaScript to hide the items that weren’t on sale. This worked OK, though there was a second delay as the rows of items not on sale were hidden.

javascript used to filter listing

Creating The On Sale Loop Item

I was thinking to use the Dynamic Posts v2 widget that is part of Dynamic Content for Elementor. It allows you to create a template to use as a loop item. So, I went to the Admin Elementor Templates menu and clicked to add new. I gave it a name of On Sale Loop Item.

creating template for loop item

I disabled the post title as we don’t want that to show.

in elementor hide the page title

I added a section with 4 columns.

add four columns

I added an image widget to the first column and used the dynamic option to pick the featured image.

featured image in first column

I put a heading widget in the second column and used the dynamic data option to set it to show the post title.

post title in second column

I added a text widget to the third column and set it to show the ACF promotional message field. Nothing shows in the editor, so I would need to tweak the typography later.

promotional message in third column

I then added a button widget to the fourth column, set the text to Go, and the link to the resource link.

button in fourth column

I styled the button.

styled button

I gave the section a light gray background and added a light purple border to each of the columns. I adjusted the column sizes, set the content to be in the horizontal middle of the row, adjusted the typography and so on. The loop item template was done.

set loop item background and column borders

Using the Views Widget to Create the Current Sales Page

I opened the Currently Sales page. It was a Gutenberg page using a Ninja Tables block.

currently on sale page in gutenberg

First, I deleted everything out of the Gutenberg page and then I opened it in Elementor. I disabled the page title and then added the Views widget to the page.

views widget

I set it for the skin for a grid layout with no spacing between.

views skin choice

In the Select panel I chose to use a template for display and picked the one made earlier.

views select options

In the From panel I selected the Extensions post type. This was the post Type I was using for the resources. Now we had the resources showing.

views from options

I set the sort order by filtering on the post title.

views order by options

Now we can enter the custom date display condition. I selected the promotion start field, the less than or equal to operator, and for value, I picked the dynamic token option and entered “[date|Ymd]”.

where start date

For end date I selected that custom field with the same value token.

where end date

This is what the final result looked like, which is very close to the previous version. I verified that the correct items, only those currently on sale, were showing.

final result of on sale page

Now that I was done, I could disable and remove the two Ninja Tables plugins.

Discussion and Conclusions

This is the second tutorial where I’ve worked on updating an existing Elementor site. In the first tutorial we looked at the process I use for changing themes on an live site. In that tutorial I switched from the Page Builder Framework Theme to the Blocksy Theme and in the process I was able to eliminate a few plugins that were no longer needed. Now I’m looking at ways to use fewer plugins by using Dynamic Content for Elementor, which is a power tool.

The conditional display of content is advanced functionality. In my case it is an automation feature so I don’t have to manually turn on and off the display of the sales information for each resource.

There is nothing wrong with Unlimited Elements or Ninja Tables. I was using those tools to conditionally display the sale banner and to list the themes and plugins that were currently on sale. When I first built the website it took me about a day to create the sales banner widget using Unlimited Elements. I had to learn how that widget maker worked and learn about the Twig templating engine it used. It look me a good half a day to figure out and test the JavaScript that I used to hide the rows of the item that were not on sale for the Current Sales page. This was after creating the table. Today, it took me about an hour to test and style both the changes to the single resource page and the Current Sales page. Dynamic Content for Elementor Visibility extension was a better solution and is a good example of using the right tool for the job.

I also used the Dynamic Views widget. It has the ability to use a template for the loop item. Programmers are familiar with the process of looping over results to process and/or display them. That is something that most Elementor post widget hide from users, but by exposing this option the Dynamic Posts option is more flexible. The Views widget also gives you the ability to filter by a custom date condition using custom fields and tokens, a powerful option.

I still have work to do to bring the Elementor360 site up to date. I was pleased that I can reduce the number of plugins used by bringing Dynamic Content for Elementor into the mix. Have you had a similar experience updating your sites? If so, please let me know in the comments below.

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Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. You will still pay the same amount so there is no extra cost to you. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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